
What people are saying about Vivian.

Don’t miss an opportunity to work with her!


“Vivian Stooke is an exceptional Clinical Somatic Educator in many ways. She is very articulate verbally in her teaching, with excellent communication skills, confident and gentle with her hands-on techniques and she brings enormous creativity and ingenuity to address her client’s needs and helps them towards freedom, mobility and less pain. Don’t miss an opportunity to work with her!”

—Laura M Gates

Certified Hanna Somatic Educator and Clinical Somatic Educator

Vivian diagnosed my problems in one session.

“Vivian diagnosed my problems in one session, prescribed a series of exercises, and told me that if I stuck with them and with her for three months, that she would have me playing (golf) as well as before and without pain. She was wrong; it took less than three months and I’m playing better than I was. I came to Vivian as a last resort. If I knew then what I know now, she would have been my first resort.”

—Mike Griffin

Former Administrator of NASA.
Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering,
U.S. Government.


Her ability to find and fix misalignment is like a sixth sense.

“I have too much ‘Vivian enthusiasm’ for just a couple of sentences! I’ve worked with and been trained by some amazing teachers but I really haven’t worked with anyone else like Vivian. Her depth of knowledge of anatomy and body mechanisms and her ability to teach her clients to understand, image, and internalize the work to their own bodies is unlike anything I’ve seen or experienced before. Her ability to find and fix misalignment is like a sixth sense”

—Jodi Bobb

Public Relations and Communications.
U.S. Department of Justice 2007-2008.
Public Affairs Specialist.

With Vivian’s guidance, I have tossed my running shoe orthotics and I am running pain-free

“With my previous, low-milage training, I had been plagued with hip flexor, back, and knee pains. Very luckily, I discovered Vivian and her immense knowledge of anatomy. She quickly pinpointed my troubles to a decade-old foot injury that was not properly rehabilitated, resulting in severe muscle atrophy. In a few short months, Vivian had my feet strengthened beyond recognition! My previously low arches were transformed, literally reducing my shoe size. With Vivian’s guidance, I have tossed my running shoe orthotics and I am running pain-free”

—Laura McCrain

Systems Engineer NASA.


Before I met Vivian, I was facing the surgery suite. Today, I’m back to water skiing!

“Vivian Stooke taught me how to heal and return to a very active normal life after a back injury left me barely functioning and in constant pain. She methodically applies her deep knowledge of the muscles and skeleton, an extraordinary compassion and patience, and the ability to synthesize the three into a customized healing and fitness therapy that brings real relief and teaches lifelong healthy habits. Before I met Vivian, I was facing the surgery suite. Today, I’m back to water skiing!”

—April Harris

Director of Special Events, University of Alabama, Huntsville.

I would highly recommend these sessions to anyone with pain problems or those who just wish to gain basic core strength and flexibility

“The results I have experienced from working with Vivian have been nothing less than phenomenal. I could barely raise my arm above shoulder height at the time we began. Now I have full range of motion in my shoulder without pain. The lower back problems have also diminished, with no weakness or pain. The flexibility is a bonus that has increased my golf swing to a greater degree in rotation than when I was in my 20’s. Vivian is definitely more than a Pilates instructor—she has a special gift to identify and correct these issues, which in turn, relieves the painful problems and enhances overall wellness. I would highly recommend these sessions to anyone with pain problems or those who just wish to gain basic core strength and flexibility”

—Jerry M Johnson

President of Huntsville Design and Construction, Inc.


Vivian’s natural intelligence, coupled with her depth of knowledge of and experience with how the human body works, enables her to be extraordinarily helpful to her clients

“Vivian’s natural intelligence, coupled with her depth of knowledge of and experience with how the human body works, enables her to be extraordinarily helpful to her clients. Her ability to read an issue and quickly synthesize a specific solution for me is miraculous.”

—Mary Ruth Yates

Retired City School teacher and board member.

Reset and balance your body.